Friday, February 7, 2014


On Thursday, February 2014, the Washington Post published an articled titled FACT CHECK: Anti-Obama care chorus is off key. This article is mainly based on how Obama care is affecting the workforce in America. The author of this article includes a study, which estimates that the Obama care will cost America approximately 2.3 million full-time jobs. Moreover, people would work fewer hours or take early retirement. The author also included the GOP response, which is that the people are not being fired but rather quitting their jobs on their own. It also talks about the positive and negative aspects of Obama care. The positive side is that the government under the law is paying partially or full for the low-income family with this health insurance; which is also the reason that people are quitting or working few hours. However, on the negative side it says "the law would increase employers’ costs for their workers and reduce the number of people they hire." This would have a negative effect on wages. I found this article very interesting and would recommend because it has a lot of interesting facts and much details about how Obama care will turn out to be in future for our economy since "Everything is guesswork." 

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