Thursday, May 8, 2014

Blog Stage Eight

 In Carolina Vazquez's post, "Wealthy and Criminal Justice in the United States", she argues that sixth amendment should be ratified and have fixed prices on lawyers for every person to be represented equally and fairly, which would remove the affluent peers from having the fair trials because of the wealth they possess. And therefore, everybody would be treated with justice, equality and would be given a fair trial.

I completely agree with the argument she made. After looking at the articles she has used to support her argument, it is indeed true that rich people get away because of their money and is not some undisclosed secret and which I find very unfair. In one of the caseVazquez’s used in her argument was astonishing, in which Gurbaksh Chahal, a millionaire who was charged with 45 felony counts but later was reduced to misdemeanors and was just condemned to 25 hours of community service. This case definitely supports her argument and proofs the point she is making very well. I would also like to discuss this case, where a Texas judge decided not to send a teenager from a rich family to prison after he killed four people while drinking and driving. This is not fair that he got off so easily because if it was for a poor person they would have to spend a lot of time in jail. This should be changed so people will not trying to find there way out of law by using money.

Overall, her argument seems very thoughtful and coherent.